Equipping Ministry Leaders and Strengthening Teams for Maximum Impact
MPact is an online leadership academy offering flexible, self-paced training, and webinars in the areas of Self Assessment and Goal-Setting, UCC Polity, Professional Boundaries; Creating High Impact Teams, Mediation and Conflict management, Leadership Development; Personal Development; Anti-Racism and Pro-reconciliation, Clergy Self-Care, as well as an intentional focus on the UCC's Marks of Faithful and Effective Authorized Ministers.
Our courses are globally accessible providing affordable and flexible payment options. Best of all, our courses are relevant and applicable meeting the training needs of individuals and teams in a wide range of ministry settings. This academy is created with an intentional focus on enabling and empowering you in your sacred call through training, coaching, and mediation/conflict mamangement consulting. Here is where you can contrinute to a community, build relationships, and access what you need for your personal or professional growth.
If you are interested in customized curriculum development, let us know. We are here to serve and walk along side you on your journey to greater impact.
Take the next step toward achieving your goals. Every student who successfully completes a course receives a certificate of completion.
Welcome to MPact!